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WCEA Elected Leadership


Brenna Morris, President

Location: Hudson Elementary

Teaches: Kindergarten

Additional Info: I have been teaching since 2004 in grades Kindergarten, 1st, 5th, 6th, and 7th. I have been the President of our association since 2016. I love being able to be a strong voice for educators in our rural district.


Corrisa Cieloha, Vice President

Location: Weld Central Middle School

Teaches: Social Studies

Additional Info: I've been teaching social studies at Weld Central Middle School since 2013. I've been Vice President of WCEA since 2018. I continue to be impressed by the role our local plays in our district and the positive impact we make for students and staff.


Ryan Dupuis, Secretary

Teaches: 9-12 Music

Additional Info: I graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a bachelor of music education in 2019, and from Lafayette College with a bachelor of arts in Chemistry in 2016. At Weld Central I have taught band, choir, guitar I, guitar II, music theory, music technology and theatre, as well as running the marching band, an extra-curricular jazz band, an extra-curricular acapella choir, and working as the musical director for the Weld Central Drama Club. I am a soldier in the Army National Guard and a trumpet player in the 101st Army Band.


Kelly Graybill, Treasurer

Location: Hoff Elementary

Teaches: 4th grade

Additional info: I have been teaching and a member of WCEA since 1993. Over the years I’ve taught kindergarten, first grade, third grade, fourth grade, sixth grade and served as Coach of Student Achievement. I’ve watched our association grow and work tirelessly on behalf of our teachers to make RE-3J a great place to be!


Alanna Lopez, Membership Chair

 Association Representatives (ARs)


Anne Blodgett, AR

Teaches: 4th Grade

Location: Hudson Elementary

Additional info: I started teaching and joined my local in 2010. I enjoy being part of a collective voice advocating for students and teachers.


Christina Keller, AR

Teaches: 5th Grade

Location: Lochbuie Elementary

Additional info:I have taught for 9 years (7 years in RE3J and 2 in Woodland Park). I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.


Tylynn Erhart, AR

Teaches: 1st Grade

Location: Meadowridge Elementary

Additional info: I have been a member of WCEA since 2015 and, during this time, I have also taught third grade and been an elementary STEM facilitator. I am honored to represent my incredible coworkers as well as my students through the WCEA Executive Committee.


Ashley Soldano, AR

Teaches: 9-12 Spanish

Location: Weld Central High School

Additional info: I graduated from K-State University and began teaching in 2011.


Cheryl Hollingsworth, AR

Teaches: 3rd grade

Location: Hoff Elementary

Additional info: I have been teaching since 2002 and have always been a WCEA member. My involvement includes 3 years in the President Position, time on the Uniserv committee as secretary, and Hoff AR. Being a member has provided so many opportunities to me in both professional growth as an educator and growth in understanding the importance of being a part of an association that has my back. It's the pride of being part of a bigger voice.


Jerad Sutton, AR

Teaches: 7th grade Math

Location: Weld Central Middle School

Additional info: Currently I serve as Association Representative for my building, and I am Vice Chair of the Colorado Fund for Children and Public Education.